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2008500 years Since the Printing of the First Book on the Territory of Romania - Set

GBP £0.89
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Technical details
  • 25.06.2008
  • Alina Munteanu
  • -
  • -
  • Offset
  • 5 Colours
  • 36 x 36 mm, 80 x 96 mm (stamp size: 52 x 42 mm)
  • 4.30LEI, 9.10LEI
About 500 years Since the Printing of the First Book on the Territory of Romania

2008 marks the anniversary of 500 years since the printing of Macarie’s Liturghier (Macarie’s Missal), occasion on which Romfilatelia will release the postage stamp issue „500 years since the printing of the first book on the territory of Romania“.

The development of the writing and printing techniques on the territory of Romania starts with the first writing form, „pictographic alphabet“, very similar to the world’s ancient writing system, the Sumerian one, and continues with the burnt clay plates. This type of support, same as clay pots, tree bark or the parchment were extensively used prior to discovering the paper, a moment that marked the emersion of the first paper mills.

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