SPEND £30 GET £3 OFF : "WZPA - 10224"
SPEND £50 GET £5 OFF : "WZPB - 10324"

Exchange Rates

Currency view

You can view all of WOPA's products in many currencies. To change your currency, scroll to the top of any page on WOPA-plus.com and click on the currency field to select the currency you want to view the product prices in.

Exchange rates and currency conversion

When the currency you're paying with is different from the default currency of the website, i.e. not in GBP Sterling, we convert your payment automatically.

The Base Exchange rate uses data from one or more FOREX third parties. It's updated regularly, but may not be identical to the real-time market rate. WOPA does not charge any conversions fee on your total cost.

Third-party fees

If you pay in a currency that's different from the designated currency of your payment method, your provider or third-party payment processor may apply a currency conversion rate or fees to your payment. Contact your provider (for example, your credit or bank card.

For any further questions regarding currency exchange rates applied on WOPA please do not hesitate to contact a member of our customer services team.