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About Flora

Long before a belief on various pagan deities, prehistoric people began to respect for nature. Along with the cult of water, fire, lightning in the sky and bright sun, and developed the cult of the tree. Sometimes people believed to be in the tops of trees are the seat of the powerful gods of the Slavs, many trees were dedicated to various gods, such as: oak to Perun, ash to Svetovid, linden to goddess Vida, birch to a god of harvest Potrimba. When the breeze swayed their branches and leaves rustle, it was believed that this happens by the will of a deity.

Oak (Quercus) is a genus of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs in the beech family (Fagaceae). Lobular, serrated or complete list of spirally arranged on the twig. Male flowers are gathered into a greenish-yellow, rarely reddish, fringed. Female flowers are almost unnoticed. The fruit is an acorn. Oak tree is very diversified and powerful. Оak was the most sacred tree of the Old Slavs. The symbol is of the resistance and strength. The sacred forests of oak lodge the eternal fire, were fenced plot, for the protection of livestock and evil people. Oak tree was dedicated to the god Perun.

Ash (Fraxinus) is the name for the genus of the family tree the hidden seed olive (Oleaceae). Plants are medium high to high trees. Мost species are deciduous. The leaves are opposite, rarely in whorls of three, and pinnately compound. Flowers in clusters inflorescences. The fruit is a winged nut. In ancient Slavs ash was dedicated to the god Svetovid, which is associated with war and divination.

Linden (Tilia) is a great tree whose trunk reaches a height of 25 to 30 meters, and the age and up to several hundred years. Linden flowers are small, greenish-yellow color, pleasant scent. Blossoming takes 2 to 3 weeks, and it happens to go for 5 to 6 days. Old Slavs lived in linden forests. According to legend they performed rites and sacrifices endured as linden idol. They believed that by placing branches of linden into the roof of his house, guard against lightning and fire, and that Linden saves man from evil and spells. In the linden forests Slavs were collecting honey and wax. Nectar and Mead were Slavic favorite drinks.

Birch (Betula) up to 20 m, a thickness of up to 60 cm. The trunk is slender, the bark white and smooth. The leaves are rounded triangular, pointed at the top, double saw shaped, with stalks. The flowers grow in spring with leaves, and tan unicameral. Male catkins are longer than females and are formed in the fall, and the female catkins are erect, alone and appear in spring. In ripening female catkin falls apart. Birch was dedicated to Potrimba, the ancient Slavic god of the harvest. They asked him for a good crop, and thankful for a good harvest.

Authors of the stamps: Nebojsa Djumic and Bozidar Dosenovic
Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banjaluka