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2021400th Anniv. Of The Terco Da Armada Da Coroa De Portugal - Set

GBP £1.32
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GBP £2.34
Technical details
  • 06.07.2021
  • Atelier Design&etc / Hélder Soares
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • 30,6 x 40 mm
About 400th Anniv. Of The Terco Da Armada Da Coroa De Portugal

The Fusiliers stem from the oldest permanent military unit in Portugal, established on 18 April 1621 and called the “Regiment of the Navy of the Crown of Portugal”. From that date until the mid-18th century, the “Naval Soldiers” or the “Fusilier Sailors”, as the naval infantry were known in those days, fought in Brazil, on the southeast frontier of the national territory, formed garrisons for the Coastguard Fleet and fought next to Lord Nelson in the Mediterranean, not to mention their successes in the fight against the French, Dutch and Spanish. The Regiment was regarded as an elite unit and was used by King João IV as his personal guard. In the late 18th century, the operational organisation was changed, combining into two infantry regiments and an artillery unit, called the “Royal Brigade of the Navy”.

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