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2023Ross Dependency - Scott Base Presentation Pack - Presentation Pack

Presentation Pack
GBP £16.44
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 06.09.2023
  • Helcia Berryman, Mopsy Creative , Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
  • Brebner Print, Napier, New Zealand
  • offset lithography
  • Four process colours
  • Stamp Size: 50mm x 30mm (horizontal), M/S Size: 150mm x 80mm (horizontal)
  • $2.00, $3.30, $4.00 & $4.60
About Ross Dependency - Scott Base Presentation Pack

This stamp issue commemorates the planned refurbishment of Scott Base, New Zealand’s home on Ross Island, Antarctica.

$2.00 Pouwhenua & Scott Base Sign

Unveiled in January 2013, the Scott Base sign and pouwhenua were created by Ngāi Tahu carvers.

$3.30 Aurora Over Base

Scott Base is a special place - you would struggle to find a wastewater treatment plant with a better view.

$4.00 Sunset

There is nothing quite like a Scott Base sunset from the administration block balcony. Overlooking the flagpole and the sea ice, this building has long been the hub for meetings and planning.

$4.60 Scott Base from Above

Photographs and paintings have captured Scott Base in its many moods over the years, whether backdropped by snow or scoria. The Observation and Crater Hills are always lurking, with nearby volcanoes Terror and the ever-smoking Erebus making their presence felt.