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Pets - Domestic Animals

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About Pets - Domestic Animals

Above and below the surface

The mallard duck breeds in all parts of the country and is frequently seen in wetland habitats. It is highly adaptable and often breeds in parks and other locations with lots of human activity.

The mallard usually searches for food on or just beneath the water's surface. Occasionally it will dive further down to look for food. But the mallard is more likely to dive below the surface when startled or frightened.

The drake has a resplendent plumage, while the female mallard's is more subdued. Both have orange feet. During the summer months, the male mallard moults and looks very similar to the female. You can tell them apart by the colour of their beak, however, as the drake has a yellow beak and the female's is black. Mallard ducks can live a very long life. Data gathered through bird ringing show that some mallards have lived to be 25 years old or more.

The main difference between rabbits and hares is that rabbits live in burrows underground while hares live above ground. Rabbits move with a hopping motion. They have good vision and hearing and an excellent sense of smell.

Rabbits are prolific breeders: They produce several litters a year, each with three to nine babies. The gestation period is between 28 and 33 days. Baby rabbits are naked and blind at birth and spend their first weeks in an underground burrow. The mother rabbit nurses her babies for about 20 days before they leave the nest. They become sexually mature at three to four months of age.