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2006UNICEF - 60 Years - Set

GBP £0.64
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Technical details
  • 11.12.2006
  • Mihai Vamasescu
  • -
  • -
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 48 x 33 mm
  • 3.10L
About UNICEF - 60 Years

On the occasion of the celebration of 60 years of existence of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Romfilatelia, the company specialized in editing and trading Romanian postage stamps, introduces into circulation the philatelic issue UNICEF – 60 years.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) was created by the United Nations Organization on the 11th of December 1946. Seated in New York, UNICEF offers humanitarian assistance for the development of children and their mothers in the developing countries. UNICEF survives due to governmental funds and private donations. UNICEF received in 1965 the Nobel Peace Prize.

UNICEF shall mainly focus on 5 global priorities: Girls education, Children immunization, Child protection, HIV/AIDS and Early education. Other priorities include survival of children, the child and the family, and sports for development .The mission of UNICEF in Romania is "to make sure that all children, including the vulnerable and marginalized ones, will grow, during this difficult transition period, in a family or in a family environment providing them with all the development needs and guaranteeing that their rights to education, health, and protection are fully observed".

UNICEF has been present in Romania since 1991, upon the request of the Romanian Government with regard to the assistance in the child protection field. In time, UNICEF involved more and more and extended its scope, providing help to the Romanian authorities and to the civil society in view of creating a favourable environment for disadvantaged children, by developing complex health, nutrition, education and protection programs. The representation of UNICEF in Romania is currently implementing a country program for a period of five years (2005-2009), together with the Government, the civil society and international organizations. This country program focuses on the Monitoring of Children´s Rights, Child Protection, Health and Education.

The graphic composition of the stamp reunites, in a unitary manner, the logo of the organization and an image of a group of children in an optimistic hypostasis, symbol of the purpose aimed at by UNICEF, namely ensuring a happy life for the children of the world.